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old [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈəʊld/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/oʊld/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(ōld) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'old' (adj): olderadj comparative elderadj comparative oldestadj superlative eldestadj superlative

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 old adj (not new) (不新)SCSimplified Chinese 旧的,老旧的,破旧的 jiù de ,lǎo jiù de ,pò jiù de TCTraditional Chinese 破舊的   SCSimplified Chinese 老的,相识时间长的,结识很久的 lǎo de ,xiāng shí shí jiān cháng de,jié shí hěn jiǔ de  You can borrow my camera, but it's rather old.  我的照相机可以借给你,就是有点旧了。  这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 我们是老朋友,都认识十多年了。 old adj (elderly)SCSimplified Chinese 老的 lǎo de   SCSimplified Chinese 年老的 lǎo de ,nián lǎo de  My neighbour is very old, in her nineties, I think; she's the oldest person I know.  我的邻居很老了,我想她应该有90多岁了,是我见过的年龄最大的人。 old adj (of a given age) (具体岁数)SCSimplified Chinese …岁的 suì de  I'll be twenty-two years old tomorrow.  明天我就22岁了。 old adj (of age)SCSimplified Chinese …岁的 suì de  How old do you have to be to drive?  要多少岁才能开车? the old npl uncountable (elderly persons)SCSimplified Chinese 老人 lǎo rén TCTraditional Chinese 老人   SCSimplified Chinese 老年人 lǎo rén,lǎo nián rén  You should show respect to the old.  你应该尊重老人。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 old adj (antique)SCSimplified Chinese 古董的 gǔ dǒng de  He likes to collect old cars.  他喜欢收集古董车。 old adj (looking old)SCSimplified Chinese 显老的 xiǎn lǎo de TCTraditional Chinese 顯老的   SCSimplified Chinese 看起来老的 xiǎn lǎo de,kàn qǐ lái lǎo de  He's got an old face.  他的脸很显老。 old adj (mature)SCSimplified Chinese 成熟的 chéng shú de   SCSimplified Chinese 稳重的 chéng shú de ,wěn zhòng de  She has an old mind in a young body.  她虽年轻,不过思想成熟。 old adj (former)SCSimplified Chinese 先前的 xiān qián de   SCSimplified Chinese 以前的 xiān qián de ,yǐ qián de  That's my old history teacher.  那我是先前的历史老师。 old adj (ancient)SCSimplified Chinese 古代的 gǔ dài de   SCSimplified Chinese 古老的 gǔ dài de ,gǔ lǎo de  She dug up some old pottery in her back garden.  她在后院挖出一些古代的陶器。 old adj (familiar)SCSimplified Chinese 熟悉的 shú xī de   SCSimplified Chinese 熟识的 shú xī de ,shóu shí de / shú shí de TCTraditional Chinese 熟識的  You always see the same old faces here.  在这儿,你总是能看到熟人。 old adj (worn)SCSimplified Chinese 穿旧了的 chuān jiù le de TCTraditional Chinese 穿舊了的   SCSimplified Chinese 用旧了的 chuān jiù le de,yòng jiù le de  The couch is getting rather old.  那张沙发越用越旧了。 old adj (worn out)SCSimplified Chinese 磨坏了的 mó huài le de TCTraditional Chinese 磨壞了的  I use old socks as cleaning rags.  我用磨坏了的袜子作抹布。 old adj (beverage: having aged) (指酒)SCSimplified Chinese 陈的,陈酿的 chén de,chén niàng de  This whisky is eighteen years old.  这威士忌是18年陈酿的。 old adj (no longer in use)SCSimplified Chinese 不用了的 bú yòng le de   SCSimplified Chinese 废旧的 bú yòng le de,fèi jiù de  The old railway station is abandoned.  那个火车站已经是废旧不用的了。 old adj (of an earlier period)SCSimplified Chinese 早期的 zǎo qī de   SCSimplified Chinese 之前的 zǎo qī de ,zhī qián de  His old knee injury came back to haunt him.  他膝盖上的旧伤又复发了,让他痛苦不已。 old adj (showing affection)SCSimplified Chinese [用于表示亲昵]  Good old Tony. He's always there when you need him.  好托尼。你需要他的时候,他总在身边。 old adj informal, figurative (intensifier) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese [加强语气,表示强调] biǎo shì qiáng diào  That's a big old dog they've got guarding the gate. old adj (of long standing)SCSimplified Chinese 长久的 cháng jiǔ de TCTraditional Chinese 長久的   SCSimplified Chinese 故交的   SCSimplified Chinese 熟悉的 cháng jiǔ de ,shú xī de  Erika and Davina are old friends of mine; we met at school and we still see each other regularly.  艾丽卡和达维娜是我的故交,我们上学时认识的,现在还是经常见面。 the olds, [sb]'s olds npl UK, AU, informal (parents)SCSimplified Chinese 父母 TCTraditional Chinese 父母   SCSimplified Chinese 家长 jiā zhǎng TCTraditional Chinese 家長  When they found out what I'd done, my olds grounded me for a month.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 a chip off the old block n informal, figurative (person: like parent) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 外表或性格酷似其父母中一个的人 wài biǎo huò xìng gé kù sì qí fù mǔ zhōng yí gè de rén  He'll be a womanizer just like his father; he's a chip off the old block. age-old adj (ancient)SCSimplified Chinese 古老的 gǔ lǎo de  Hiram Bingham was the first outsider to view the age-old buildings of Machu Pichu. age-old adj (long-standing)SCSimplified Chinese 已经存在很久的 yǐ jīng cún zài hěn jiǔ de  I'll give you some age-old advice: "Neither a borrower nor a lender be". Anglo-Saxon, Old English n historical (medieval language of England)SCSimplified Chinese 盎格鲁-撒克逊语   SCSimplified Chinese 古英语  These works were originally written in Anglo-Saxon. any old adj informal (not special)SCSimplified Chinese 随便的,任何的 suí biàn de ,rèn hé de TCTraditional Chinese 隨便的  Any old cloth will do for wiping your paintbrushes. any old way, any which way adv informal (haphazardly, randomly)SCSimplified Chinese 以任何方式 yǐ rèn hé fāng shì   SCSimplified Chinese 任意地 yǐ rèn hé fāng shì,rèn yì de any which way, any old way adv informal (haphazardly, randomly) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 随意地,杂乱地 suí yì de ,zá luàn de TCTraditional Chinese 隨意地  She used to load the dishwasher any which way. anyhow, any old how adv informal (carelessly, without order)SCSimplified Chinese 随随便便地 suí suí biàn biàn de   SCSimplified Chinese 漫不经心地 suí suí biàn biàn de,màn bù jīng xīn de  I was shocked to see Sara shove her expensive dresses into the wardrobe anyhow.  我看到萨拉把昂贵的礼服随随便便塞到衣柜里,感到很震惊。 banger, old banger n UK, informal (old car) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 旧汽车 jiù qì chē TCTraditional Chinese 舊車 / 老車  Martin worked for a year to transform his banger into a racing car. beater, old beater n US, informal (old car)SCSimplified Chinese 旧汽车 jiù qì chē TCTraditional Chinese 舊車 / 老車  I've never had a new car before; I've only had old beaters. biddy, old biddy n slang, pejorative (old woman) (俚语,轻蔑语)SCSimplified Chinese 老女人, 老婆娘 centuries-old, centuries old adj (hundreds of years of age)SCSimplified Chinese 历史悠久的 lì shǐ yōu jiǔ de   SCSimplified Chinese 久远的 lì shǐ yōu jiǔ de ,jiǔ yuǎn de TCTraditional Chinese 久遠的 备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun. The couple married in a centuries-old Irish castle. day-old adj (made yesterday)SCSimplified Chinese 昨天做的 days of old npl literary (ancient times) (文学用语)SCSimplified Chinese 古时候 gǔ shí hòu TCTraditional Chinese 古時候  The minstrel sang a ballad about days of old. dirty old man n informal, pejorative (elderly, lecherous man) (口语)SCSimplified Chinese 老色鬼,老淫棍 lǎo sè guǐ,lǎo yín gùn  If you keep looking at her like that she'll think you're a dirty old man. fifty-year-old n (person: 50 years of age)SCSimplified Chinese 五十岁 wǔ shí suì TCTraditional Chinese 五十歲  On average, a twenty-year-old sees three times better than a fifty-year-old. fifty-year-old adj (50 years of age)SCSimplified Chinese 五十岁的 wǔ shí suì de TCTraditional Chinese 五十歲的  Joyce is a fifty-year-old woman. get old vi + adj informal (age, grow elderly) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 变老,上了年纪 biàn lǎo,shàng le nián jì  You catch colds a lot easier when you get old. good old boy, good ol' boy, good ole boy n US, informal (unsophisticated male)SCSimplified Chinese 傻小子   SCSimplified Chinese 憨小伙 good old boy, good ol' boy, good ole boy n US informal (male with strong support network)SCSimplified Chinese 绅士 shēn shì TCTraditional Chinese 紳士   SCSimplified Chinese 实诚人 good old days npl (past times viewed with nostalgia)SCSimplified Chinese 过去的好时光 guò qù de hǎo shí guāng  Some people miss those good old days when the pace of life was slower. good old times npl informal (nostalgic term: the past) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 过去的美好时光 guò qù de měi hǎo shí guāng  My grandparents often talk about the good old times when they were young. grow old vi + adj (age, become elderly)SCSimplified Chinese 变老 biàn lǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 老去 biàn lǎo,lǎo qù  Most people's eyesight deteriorates as they grow old. growing old n (process of aging)SCSimplified Chinese 变老 biàn lǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 衰老 biàn lǎo,shuāi lǎo TCTraditional Chinese 衰老  Growing old is an unavoidable part of life. hoary, hoary old adj figurative (saying: old, overused)SCSimplified Chinese 古老的 gǔ lǎo de   SCSimplified Chinese 古旧的 gǔ lǎo de ,gǔ jiù de  I'm so tired of that hoary phrase; can't they think of something new? in the good old days adv (years ago)SCSimplified Chinese 在美好的过去 zài měi hǎo de guò qù   SCSimplified Chinese 在过去的好时光 zài měi hǎo de guò qù,zài guò qù de hǎo shí guāng  In the good old days, you could buy Coca Cola for a nickel. in the old days, in the olden days n (a long time ago)SCSimplified Chinese 久远的时候 jiǔ yuǎn de shí hòu   SCSimplified Chinese 久远以前  In the old days, there were no colour televisions. maid, old maid n (unmarried woman)SCSimplified Chinese 老处女 lǎo chǔ nǚ TCTraditional Chinese 老處女   SCSimplified Chinese 老姑娘 lǎo chǔ nǚ ,lǎo gū niang  Sarah was still a maid after all her friends were married. of old adj (belonging to the ancient past)SCSimplified Chinese 古老的 gǔ lǎo de   SCSimplified Chinese 以前的 gǔ lǎo de ,yǐ qián de   SCSimplified Chinese 过去的 gǔ lǎo de ,guò qù de TCTraditional Chinese 過去的  In days of old, people believed that spirits inhabited plants and animals. old age n (latter stages of adulthood)SCSimplified Chinese 老年 lǎo nián TCTraditional Chinese 老年  People often become forgetful in their old age.  人变老后往往会变得健忘。 old age n as adj (in latter stage of adulthood)SCSimplified Chinese 老年人的   SCSimplified Chinese 老人的  Declining health is an old-age issue for many people.  对许多人来说,健康状况下降是老年人应考虑的问题。 old and worn adj (showing signs of use)SCSimplified Chinese 用旧的 yòng jiù de TCTraditional Chinese 用舊的   SCSimplified Chinese 破旧的 yòng jiù de ,pò jiù de TCTraditional Chinese 破舊的   SCSimplified Chinese 老旧的 yòng jiù de ,lǎo jiù de  It's time to throw out that old and worn pair of shoes. old as the hills adj informal (very old, ancient) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 非常古老的,老掉牙的 fēi cháng gǔ lǎo de,lǎo diào yá de  That legend is as old as the hills. old as time, as old as time adj (very ancient)SCSimplified Chinese 年代久远的 nián dài jiǔ yuǎn de   SCSimplified Chinese 古老的 nián dài jiǔ yuǎn de,gǔ lǎo de   SCSimplified Chinese 陈年的 nián dài jiǔ yuǎn de,chén nián de  The natives claimed that the spirits there were old as time. old bag n slang, pejorative (ugly or unappealing woman) (俚语,轻蔑语)SCSimplified Chinese 丑陋的老太婆,老婆子 chǒu lòu de lǎo tài pó,lǎo pó zi  Shut up, you old bag! old before your time adj (seeming older than actual age)SCSimplified Chinese 老得快的   SCSimplified Chinese 看上去老的 the Old Bill npl UK, slang (police) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 警察 jǐng chá TCTraditional Chinese 警察   SCSimplified Chinese 警方 jǐng chá,jǐng fāng 备注: Takes a singular or plural verb. The Old Bill have arrested Trevor for handling stolen goods. Old Bill n UK, dated, slang (police) (过时用语,俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 警察 jǐng chá TCTraditional Chinese 警察   SCSimplified Chinese 警方 jǐng chá,jǐng fāng 备注: Takes a singular verb. Daisy was working as a pickpocket when she was nabbed by Old Bill. old boy n US (adult man, especially from South)SCSimplified Chinese 老兄 lǎo xiōng TCTraditional Chinese 老兄 old boy n (lively elderly man)SCSimplified Chinese 老男孩 old boy n UK (alumnus)SCSimplified Chinese 校友 xiào yǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 老生 old buddy n informal (affectionate term for a friend)SCSimplified Chinese 老朋友 lǎo péng yǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 老伙计 lǎo péng yǒu,lǎo huǒ jì TCTraditional Chinese 老傢伙  My dog has been a wonderful old buddy! old chap n UK, informal (elderly man)SCSimplified Chinese 老头 lǎo tóu TCTraditional Chinese 老頭  Those old chaps over there must have fought in the war. The old chap has been in poor shape recently. old chap interj UK, informal (male friend)SCSimplified Chinese 老伙计 lǎo huǒ jì TCTraditional Chinese 老傢伙   SCSimplified Chinese 老兄 lǎo huǒ jì,lǎo xiōng TCTraditional Chinese 老兄  Hello there, old chap. Long time, no see. old chap n UK, slang, figurative, euphemism (penis) (婉转语,指男子阳具)SCSimplified Chinese 老二  I'm tired; I think I'll be keeping the old chap in my pants tonight. old chestnut n figurative (old saying, cliché)SCSimplified Chinese 陈词滥调 chén cí làn diào TCTraditional Chinese 陳詞濫調   SCSimplified Chinese 老掉牙的故事 old days, olden days npl (a past era)SCSimplified Chinese 从前 cóng qián TCTraditional Chinese 從前   SCSimplified Chinese 以前 cóng qián,yǐ qián TCTraditional Chinese 以前  Nursing home patients like to reminisce about the old days. old enough adj (of sufficient age)SCSimplified Chinese 年纪足够大的 nián jì zú gòu dà de  You're only 15, you're not old enough to have your own credit card! old fart n pejorative (person: old, boring) (贬义)SCSimplified Chinese 老家伙,老古董 lǎo jiā huo ,lǎo gǔ dǒng  What would an old fart like you know about computers? old flame n informal, figurative (ex-lover)SCSimplified Chinese 旧情人  Ron hooked up with an old flame after his girlfriend dumped him. old fogey, old fogy n informal, pejorative (boringly old-fashioned person) (俚语,轻蔑语)SCSimplified Chinese 思想陈旧的人,老古董,老古板,老夫子 sī xiǎng chén jiù de rén,lǎo gǔ dǒng,lǎo gǔ bǎn,lǎo fū zi  You look like such an old fogey when you wear that bow tie. old friend n ([sb] one has known well for years)SCSimplified Chinese 老朋友 lǎo péng yǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 老友 lǎo péng yǒu,lǎo yǒu  I love going to college reunions so I can see my old friends. old geezer n slang, pejorative (elderly man)SCSimplified Chinese 老头 lǎo tóu TCTraditional Chinese 老頭   SCSimplified Chinese 老家伙 lǎo tóu ,lǎo jiā huo  That old geezer who lives downstairs is always complaining about the noise. old girl n (female ex-pupil)SCSimplified Chinese 老校友   SCSimplified Chinese 女校毕业生 old girl n informal (elderly lady)SCSimplified Chinese 老年女性 Old Glory n informal (USA national flag) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 美国国旗,美国星条旗 měi guó guó qí,měi guó xīng tiáo qí  The veteran was brought to tears by the sight of Old Glory waving over the cemetery. old guard n (long-time members of a group)SCSimplified Chinese 长期成员 old guard n (people who resist change)SCSimplified Chinese 保守派,保守势力 bǎo shǒu pài old habits npl (ingrained behaviour)SCSimplified Chinese 积习,旧习 jī xí an old hand n figurative, informal (experienced person)SCSimplified Chinese 老手 lǎo shǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 经验丰富的人 lǎo shǒu,jīng yàn fēng fù de rén  Listen to your father when it comes to the family business; he's an old hand. an old hand at [sth] n figurative, informal (experienced person)SCSimplified Chinese ...的老手   SCSimplified Chinese ...技能熟练的人   SCSimplified Chinese ...经验丰富的人  You'll do well to follow his advice; he's an old hand at this business. old hat adj figurative, informal (old-fashioned, out of date)SCSimplified Chinese 旧式的,过时的,陈腐的 jiù shì de,guò shí de ,chén fǔ de TCTraditional Chinese 舊式的,過時的 old lady n (elderly woman)SCSimplified Chinese 老年妇女 lǎo nián fù nǚ TCTraditional Chinese 老年婦女   SCSimplified Chinese 老妇人 lǎo nián fù nǚ,lǎo fù rén TCTraditional Chinese 老婦人   SCSimplified Chinese 老妇人 lǎo nián fù nǚ,lǎo fù rén TCTraditional Chinese 老婦人  Jim helped the old lady carry her heavy shopping bags home. old lady n informal (girlfriend, wife)SCSimplified Chinese 妻子,老婆子 qī zǐ ,lǎo pó zi TCTraditional Chinese 妻子  My old lady will get upset if I go to the pub again tonight. old lady n informal (mother)SCSimplified Chinese 母亲 mǔ qīn TCTraditional Chinese 母親 old maid n pejorative (mature spinster, unmarried woman)SCSimplified Chinese 老处女 lǎo chǔ nǚ TCTraditional Chinese 老處女  A lot of women are afraid they'll be old maids if they aren't married by thirty. old man n (elderly male)SCSimplified Chinese 老年男子 lǎo nián nán zǐ   SCSimplified Chinese 老先生 lǎo nián nán zǐ,lǎo xiān shēng TCTraditional Chinese 老先生  The old man was slow to cross the street.  那位老人过马路很慢。 old man n informal (boyfriend, husband)SCSimplified Chinese 丈夫, 老头子  My old man is still at work.  我丈夫还在工作。 old man n informal (father)SCSimplified Chinese 父亲 fù qīn TCTraditional Chinese 父親   SCSimplified Chinese 爸 TCTraditional Chinese 爸  Why don't you ask your old man if we can borrow his car tonight?  你为什么不去问问你爸今晚能不能借下他的车? old master n (great painter of the past)SCSimplified Chinese 古代大画家 gǔ dài dà huà jiā  Rembrandt and Leonardo da Vinci are considered to be old masters. old money n (family that has inherited wealth)SCSimplified Chinese 贵族世家   SCSimplified Chinese 家财万贯  The Farquhars are old money; the family have been wealthy since the time of Henry VIII. old money n (inherited wealth)SCSimplified Chinese 继承的财富  The crumbling manor house and classic car were clear signs of old money. old-money n as adj (relating to inherited wealth)SCSimplified Chinese 继承财富的  The Rockefellers are a famous example of an old-money family. old money n UK (pre-decimal currency)SCSimplified Chinese 古钱 old people npl (elderly persons)SCSimplified Chinese 老人 lǎo rén TCTraditional Chinese 老人   SCSimplified Chinese 老年人 lǎo rén,lǎo nián rén old person n (senior citizen, elderly individual)SCSimplified Chinese 老年人 lǎo nián rén   SCSimplified Chinese 老人 lǎo nián rén,lǎo rén TCTraditional Chinese 老人  She was rather spry for an old person. old salt n slang (sailor) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 老水手,经验丰富的水手 lǎo shuǐ shǒu,jīng yàn fēng fù de shuǐ shǒu  The old salt staggered from the inn back to his ship. the old school n figurative (tradition)SCSimplified Chinese 保守派 bǎo shǒu pài   SCSimplified Chinese 老派 备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a noun Davies belongs to the old school of sports commentators. old school, old-school adj figurative (traditionalist)SCSimplified Chinese 保守派的   SCSimplified Chinese 老派的  He teaches the old-school method of boxing. old style n (typography) (文字设计)SCSimplified Chinese 旧式风格 jiù shì fēng gé TCTraditional Chinese 舊式風格   SCSimplified Chinese 老式风格 jiù shì fēng gé,lǎo shì fēng gé old-style adj (old fashioned)SCSimplified Chinese 老土的, 过时的 the Old Testament n (first half of Christian Bible) (圣经)SCSimplified Chinese 旧约  God as described in the Old Testament is an angry and vengeful being. old times npl (a past era)SCSimplified Chinese 过去 guò qù TCTraditional Chinese 過去   SCSimplified Chinese 以前 guò qù,yǐ qián TCTraditional Chinese 以前   SCSimplified Chinese 从前 guò qù,cóng qián TCTraditional Chinese 從前  In old times, doctors bled their patients in the belief that they were curing them. old times npl (shared past)SCSimplified Chinese 旧时光 jiù shí guāng TCTraditional Chinese 舊時光   SCSimplified Chinese 老时光 jiù shí guāng,lǎo shí guāng  Do you remember the good old times when we were young and full of life? old town, Old Town n (city: historic part)SCSimplified Chinese 老城 the Old West n (geography)SCSimplified Chinese 老西部   SCSimplified Chinese 西部时代 old wives' tale n pejorative (superstition, myth)SCSimplified Chinese 无稽之谈 wú jī zhī tán TCTraditional Chinese 無稽之談  You don't catch a cold because your hair is wet: that's just an old wives' tale. old woman n (elderly lady)SCSimplified Chinese 老妇人 lǎo fù rén TCTraditional Chinese 老婦人   SCSimplified Chinese 老太太 lǎo fù rén,lǎo tài tài TCTraditional Chinese 老太太  Every day I see the same little old woman sitting on that park bench feeding pigeons. the Old World n historical (Europe, Africa, and Asia collectively) (过去对于欧洲、亚洲和非洲的合称)SCSimplified Chinese 旧世界 jiù shì jiè TCTraditional Chinese 舊世界  The Americas have been settled by waves of people from the Old World. Old World, Old-World n as adj historical (relating to Europe, Africa, and Asia) (指欧、亚、非三洲)SCSimplified Chinese 旧世界 jiù shì jiè TCTraditional Chinese 舊世界   SCSimplified Chinese 旧大陆 old-fashioned adj (outmoded, dated)SCSimplified Chinese 过时的 guò shí de TCTraditional Chinese 過時的   SCSimplified Chinese 老式的 guò shí de ,lǎo shì de   SCSimplified Chinese 守旧的 guò shí de ,shǒu jiù de TCTraditional Chinese 守舊的  My parents' views on marriage are very old-fashioned.  我父母的婚姻观非常守旧。 old-looking adj (appear older than age)SCSimplified Chinese 老相的,显老的 xiǎn lǎo de TCTraditional Chinese 顯老的 old-people's home n potentially offensive (nursing home) (可能具有冒犯性)SCSimplified Chinese 养老院 yǎng lǎo yuàn TCTraditional Chinese 養老院 old-time adj (old-fashioned)SCSimplified Chinese 过时的 guò shí de TCTraditional Chinese 過時的 old-timer n US, informal (elderly person)SCSimplified Chinese 老人 lǎo rén TCTraditional Chinese 老人 old-timer n informal (person: experienced)SCSimplified Chinese 老前辈,老资历的人 lǎo qián bèi TCTraditional Chinese 老前輩 old-world, Old World, olde-worlde adj (quaint, old-fashioned)SCSimplified Chinese 老式的,古雅的,古色古香的 lǎo shì de ,gǔ yǎ de ,gǔ sè gǔ xiāng de old-world, Old World adj (of ancient times)SCSimplified Chinese 古代的,古时的 gǔ dài de OT n written, initialism (Old Testament) (圣经)SCSimplified Chinese 旧约  The first five books of the bible make up the OT. ripe old age, ripe age n informal (advanced age)SCSimplified Chinese 高龄 gāo líng  Grandpa died at the ripe old age of 99. 下100个 有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: old [əuld] adj 1 (=aged) [+ person] 年老的 niánlǎo de an old lady一位年老的女士 yī wèi niánlǎo de nǚshì 2 (talking about age) 岁(歲)数(數)的 suìshù de He wasn't old enough to understand.他还(還)没(沒)到能明白的岁(歲)数(數)。 Tā hái méi dào néng míngbai de suìshù. 3 (=not new, not recent) 古老的 gǔlǎo de an old proverb古老的谚(諺)语(語) gǔlǎo de yànyǔ 4 (=worn out) 破旧(舊)的 pòjiù de an old toothbrush lying on the window sill窗台(臺)上有一把破牙刷 chuāngtái shang yǒu yī bǎ pò yáshuā 5 (=former) 以前的 yǐqián de his old job at the town hall他以前在市政厅(廳)的工作 tā yǐqián zài shìzhèngtīng de gōngzuò 6 (=long-standing) [+ friend, enemy, rival] 老的 lǎo de Pete's an old friend of mine.彼得是我的一个(個)老朋友。 Bǐdé shì wǒ de yī gè lǎo péngyou. how old are you? 你多大了? nǐ duō dà le? he's 10 years old 他10岁(歲)了 tā shísuì le older brother/sister哥哥/姐姐 gēge/jiějie any old thing (inf)随(隨)便什么(麼)东(東)西 suíbiàn shénme dōngxi 在这些条目还发现'old': 在英文解释里: advanced age - age - aged - ageless - aging - alma mater - anachronistic - ancient - Ancient Egypt - antediluvian - antiquarian - antiquated - antique - antique collector - antique dealer - antique furniture - antiqued - archaic - archaism - auld - auld lang syne - baggage - ballroom dance - ballroom dancer - ballroom dancing - banger - battle-scarred - bawbee - beater - behind the times - beldam - biddy - blow the dust off - bob - bomb - bonnet - cackler - centenarian - clunker - cobweb - codger - coot - creaky - cream puff - crock - crone - crusted - dateless - declining year - decrepit 中文: 故 - 旧 - 世家 - 久远 - 二八 - 古板 - 古稀 - 吏 - 大 - 天京 - 婆 - 尽释前嫌 - 建康 - 往 - 悠久 - 旧中国 - 旧事 - 旧制 - 晚年 - 炒冷饭 - 翁 - 老 - 老人 - 老人家 - 老先生 - 老农 - 老处女 - 老大爷 - 老太太 - 老头 - 老头儿 - 老头子 - 老娘 - 老少 - 老年 - 老汉 - 色狼 - 迂腐 - 迈 - 长安 - 陈 - 陈规 - 顿首 - 高丽 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Things associated with rainforests , Opposite adjectives, 更多……同义词: elderly, senior, older, aging, ageing, 更多……习惯性搭配: benefit from the [wisdom, experience] of the old, an old [man, lady, woman, crone], the old are not being [heard, respected, treated], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'old' 的论坛讨论:

addressing someone who is old enough to be one's grandma or grandpa an old dear an old man holding a balloon, playing with his grandson in the park Basically, a 22 year-old's passionate feeling towards you is 100% sexual Dirty Old Town Give me a seven years old, I will show you a man Good luck with the old dragon! Good Old Day He is so old that maybe he is older than the house he lives in How old are the students you've been teaching lately? How old are you? I am not ... years old I enjoy listening to old music, especially from the first half of the 20th century. I really love 陈奕迅's songs, even if a lot of them are old songs now. It was very old even then lovely little old green rectangular French silver whittling Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill Old Chinese reconstruction: 樓 Old Gao (name) Old person Old Xiang Dialect (Shangfeng Hua) Learning Resources Scottish Gaelic comes from Old Irish. The book is new/old two years old 老天爷 the Old Man in the Sky -year-old or -Year-Old - English Only forum ?"an old, gray thermos flask made of a plastic shell and a mercury-coated inside, its cover the shape of a monk’s hat"? - English Only forum .......dressing as an old man/dressed as an old man - English Only forum ...too old for me to deal with, he is already cooked... - English Only forum ...when the adoptee would be 18 years old - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'old'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "old" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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